Hi There!
So much to be thankful for this year!
Check out the DIY recipes and Young Living products that will leave you feeling grateful all month long. 

🎁November's Gifts With Purchase 🎁

❄️Holiday Room Spray❄️

Diffuser Recipes

Diffuse it, roll it, spray it - no matter how you use these combinations you're gonna love them!

You can use these same recipes as 
  • a diffuser blend, 
  • a 10 ml roller blend 
  • or a 2oz spray 

  • For the diffuser blends, follow the recipe above or use up to 12 drops in most diffusers (can use up to 20 for the Aria!).

  • For the roller blend use a 10 ml roller bottle , drip number of drops from diffuser recipe then fill with carrier oil.

  • To use the sprays, add the ingredients to a 2 oz spray bottle, fill rest of the bottle with distilled water. Invert to mix and spray onto surfaces or skin as desired.
    If you want a larger spray bottle, simply double the amounts.

DIY Body Scrub🍊

🤗 November Wellness Box Ideas🤗

Ningxia Red Greens:  A one-scoop solution to health and wellness

Immugummies: Elderflower-and lime-flavored gummies offer delicious immune support

Super C: Supports normal immune, respiratory, and circulatory function

Super Vitamin D: Supports the body's respiratory system, immune system, bone growth, and hormone production

Thieves Vitality: Is a powerful combination of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils

Longevity EO or supplement: Protects DHA levels, helps maintain cell integrity, and supports immune function

KidScents MightyPro: Is a great-tasting blend of prebiotics and probiotics

Stress Away: Essential oil blend that features Copaiba, Lime, Cedarwood, Vanilla, Ocotea, and Lavender 

ImmuPro: A delicious, wolfberry-flavored chewable tablet that gives your body the extra immune system support it needs

To order one or all of the Wellness Box items, click the image above or the link here: November Wellness Box

Have an abundant November!