Hi There...
Let's spring into wellness this April!
Check out the DIY recipes and Young Living products that keep that bouncy feeling going all month long! 

🎁April Gifts With Purchase 🎁

🥳14 Day Reset🥳

Are you interested in experiencing:

🎆More energy
🎆Less stress
🎆Inches lost
🎆Less pain
🎆Weight loss
🎆Better sleep
🎆Better focus
🎆Clearer skin
🎆Better mobility
🎆Better bloodwork and more!

Sound exciting? Here's a way to find out more about it:

For more information on the 14- Day Reset: Sneak Peak Facebook Group

If you are not on Facebook or want a more user-friendly website, click here:  14-Day Reset Information 

To Order your Ningxia Red for the next reset, click here: Ningxia Red Products
☔ April Wellness Box Ideas🌂

Life 9: is a probiotic with 17 billion live cultures from nine beneficial bacteria strains to support healthy immune function, maintain optimal metabolism, and promote normal intestinal function.

Sulfurzyme: supports overall wellness by bolstering your joints, aiding your immune system, and supporting normal metabolic function, circulation, and bone, hair, and skin health.

Rose Ointment: is a deeply moisturizing blend for dry, sensitive skin that improves skin texture with Rose premium essential oil, while Tea Tree works to soothe and soften skin.

LavaDerm Cooling Mist: gently hydrates, soothes, and rejuvenates skin with skin-loving ingredients and premium essential oils for wherever your skin needs a refreshing pick-me-up.

Balance, Art and Bloom Skincare Systems*: Explore Youngliving.com to learn more about each!

To order one or all of the Wellness Box items, click the image above or the link here: April Wellness Box
*Note that you will have to search for "Balance", "Art" and "Bloom" products in the search bar, since there are many items for each! 

🍨Spring Scoops Ice Cream Recipe🍨
🪻Lavender Lemonade Recipe🍋
This one is perfect for those beautiful April afternoons...

💐 Spring Diffuser Recipes 💐

Diffuse it, roll it, spray it - no matter how you use these combinations you're gonna love them!

You can use these same recipes as 
  • a diffuser blend, 
  • a 10 ml roller blend 
  • or a 2oz spray 
  • For the diffuser blends, follow the recipe above or use up to 12 drops in most diffusers (can use up to 20 for the Aria!).

  • For the roller blend use a 10 ml roller bottle , drip number of drops from diffuser recipe then fill with carrier oil.

  • To use the sprays, add the ingredients to a 2 oz spray bottle, fill rest of the bottle with distilled water. Invert to mix and spray onto surfaces or skin as desired.
    If you want a larger spray bottle, simply double the amounts.
Have an amazing April!